Dr. McGehee is a licensed psychologist providing psychotherapy for individuals and groups.

Dr. McGehee earned his Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin. He has worked as a therapist with individuals of all ages and trained in several different environments. Prior to working in private practice, Dr. McGehee worked and trained at the Austin Psychology and Assessment Center (Apa Center), the Capital Area Mental Health Center, the Travis County Correctional Complex. Dr. McGehee also worked at The University of Texas Counseling and Mental Health Center, where he worked with individual students and co-led several groups for students struggling with social anxiety, as well as Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy groups for depressed students.

In addition, Dr. McGehee was on the founding faculty of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Upper School, Austin, Texas and worked as the Upper School Counselor from 2001 to 2009.

Currently Dr. McGehee is working in private practice, seeing individual adults. He is also adjunct faculty at Seton Cove Spirituality Center, a member of the Seton Heathcare system, and holds clinical and teaching faculty positions at the University of Texas, Austin.